Post by TheRuddyRaku! on Jul 17, 2009 18:32:37 GMT -6
Name: Hyraku Shishou Metsutei
Gender: Male
Race: Deamon Wolf / Dakkan
Sub-Race: Dakkan
Breed: The Above
Pack: N/A As of yet - Searching
Rank: N/A
Appearance: Hyraku has a thick Black/midnight blue Coat, it is generaly scraggy and ill maintained, his biggest feature being his arctic blue eyes, And his most noticable being his thick gutteral accent. His body is long since forgottenas he is a dakkan, his outer shell is his appearence. His armour is a cold navy blue, adorning a veil of pewter chain mail, ending in a hood which he uses to mask his metal face.
In lemans terms, as his body is dead and rotting under his armour, it is rarely seen under his fully enclosed suit of metal. His armour is a midnight shade of navy, a blue so dark it borderlines black, His armoured plates shine as though polished from under his coat of chainmail, His chainmail veil covers him from head to toe, in the way a warhorse would be adorned in battle armour. The chains continue to obscure his metal body, and thick midnght armour, working their way up to his neck, and into a hood, hiding the majority of his canine face. His only facial features usualy shown would be his metal nose protruding from the shadow of his hood, and the occassional gleam of his gemlike azure iris's.
Personality: He tends to be bold and brave, Not particularly intellegent, with a tendancy to be blunt. He has alot of common sence and wisdom, yet Naiive of others. "Ignorence is bliss." His family are held in high regard to him, and fill him with pride at the thought, even with his exile. He holds honour and justice in high regard, and shows respect to others who display it to him.
Hyraku as a Dakkan has learned several spells in his pursuit of knowledge and faith, and much has been established in his new body & mind...
(1) Chains Of Faith:
As Hyraku is a Dakkan, he can manipulate his body to an extent, one of which is controll over the sheets of chain mail that adorn his body, usualy obscuring it from life to see. However upon anger or need, The chainmail will begin to unfurl, like pulling at a thread in a badly knitted sweater, leaving his true appearence to become noticed, and this is a reason he will rarely use this ability. However the chains are part of him, and thus can be controlled in such a way as an extra limb or two or snakelike tendrils.
(2) Gaze Of Understanding:
To look upon the world as Hyraku would see it would be to delve into a different realm, He does not see creatures, But souls in shells. The world around his eyes is usually bland and grey, Minimal in colour, but a nearby creature would appear as a bright flaring energy, Varying in colour depending on their personality.
(3) Paws Of Riteousness:
A healing spell useable on others, however, the injury is merely passed on, from the suffering wolf, To Hyraku himself.
(4) Barrier Of The Beleiver:
Hyraku's faith is so strong, that he can use it in his Dakkan determination to stay alive, or erect a barrier from his own chain armour, Knitting it up into a wall or sheild for a period of time to absorb damage. As this is a Barrier, it also prevents attacks to and from the person being barracaded.
(5) Light Of Sanctity:
Hyraku's Faith continues to Astound even himself, and one of the magic's he has learnt is to manipulate his faith, will and holy energy into a light, Bright and blinding, or low and useable for practicality. Light will emit from every shiny metal surface the Dakkan possesses and flare outwards in a heavy glare, Upon activation.
(6)Blood Drunk
The blood, Essence of who we are, is sacred to Astheric religion, Blood itself being tied to the very soul. In certain circumstances once Hyraku tastes blood, he will learn the experiences of the dead through their crimson essence, and gain knowledge the creature once had in life. However he will want more, and more, until he can finally control himself. When the Taste of blood reaches past his fangs, and hits his undead tastebuds, his eyes begin to dialate, His dead breath's become ragged. His speech, slurred and he salivates excessively. As the taste and knowledge it contains leaves him craving. This is Hyraku's true Addiction, and one he should visit rehab for...
Skills: He tended to lack healing abilities since his Ex-Pack shunned them, beleiving that if a "Dach-Murr" should die, then so be it, however since then he has learned, even if only to help others. However he is adept at fire breathing, and his general strength and toughness are one of his greatest assets.
He Knows alot about medicine and herbs, and will occasionly transfer healing to another wolf, at the expence of his own health, even if he is now dead.
Famous Quotes: "Bah, Tis a good day little one." "Dach-Murr"
A little tune he hums to himself to pass the time. "I care for nobody, no, not I and nobody cares for me."
Hyraku is generally a quiet and mysterious character, However being bold and fearless. "The dead do not fear death, Only the result it may bring." He has seen many customs on his travels, but holds one Very Highly This custom being that of riteouness, to combat pride, he does not name himself. He will infact state upon being asked that he is a Dakkan, nothing more, nothing less. He mask's his appearence in chainmail also, to combat pride. With no looks, comes no recognition, or admiration, thus pride is killed. Hyraku is a very devout character, and thus he is trying to be pure of sin. A second custom he uses, comes from his homeland itself, a Rather unusual custom in itself. Hyraku will not speak to anyone he does not know the name of. This is an old Astheric custom, dating back to the old kingdom itself. The Astheric wolves, would show little trust in anyone they didn't know, and thus would only present themselves to be known, if they already knew their questioner. This was beleived to be a keepsafe way of staying mysterious, and a major reason as to why Astheric wolves did not reveal any information when captured and tortured as P.O.W's
Biography: Hyraku Shishou Metsutei, was an honourable low rank in his family pack. A high held pack in Asthera, Named Katha'k. However this forreign family of wolves and their titles mean nothing here in Shinkou, As Hyraku ventures further into the S.O realm seeking justice in the world.
As a pup he grew up with friends, constantly fighting for dominance among the pups and kin, Giving him his burly physique. However, he was caught bragging about his family to the wrong person, who bested him, and bestowed dishonour in defeat to his family pack. As a result, he was outcasted, and Migrates across Shinkou, to find friends and a mate, and be accepted into another pack. Allthough bold, His Exile is something he is shy about, and keeps secret to himself, and not many others.
After several years in exile, he was called back to Asthera to defend its borders, Becoming very quickly One of it generals, a blessing and a curse as generals were placed inside dakkanic armour to preserve them throughout time as knowledge is a precious resource.
He hopes to find a new pack, as of yet, he has found none, It would seem his best friend is a mindful of fond memories his religious books, and his utter devotion to Karma and the god of the mind, and the feel of cold snow beneath his metal paws...
Yet he travels, seeking out a mate, and company for his now lonely heart, Knowing full well, no-one understands his Gutteral tongue, and gradually learning more about the local languages and customs here in s.o.
The Story (Optional)
"Hyraku... Pay attention when I teach you the ways of the light, im sick ofyour brawling with the other pups constantly."
Zerxe's scorned the small blue furred wolf before him, as Hyraku rolled his eyes and snorted in responce;
"But Father, our pack shuns healing, why shoul-"
"HYRAKU! Pay attention! This is important, it could save your life, now remember that all things are interlinked in life and that..."
Zerxes dwindled on, boring the living bejesus out of the pup before him, as all the blue furred little mongrel could do was try to stay awake after a days hunting.
-Years Later-
"Hyraku, are you ready to Take your trial?"
"yeah, i geuss..."
"Theres no geussing about it, if you fail this, you'll shame us all!"
That night, the blue wolf sat sobbing under a darkened tree, bawling his heart out in shame at his failure, with a snort he looked to the skies, his maw matted from the tears he shed.
"I failed... Ive shamed myself, my family... my pack, what... Hell with it."
The demon wolf paced away from his packland without thought nor backward glance at his homeland, sniffing patheticly to himself as he gazed on with tearful eyes at the new path ahead of him.
Darkness, the sound of yelps, screams, howls, laughter. This was not the welcoming the demon wolf had anticipated, wished for, Kathak was in ruin, his home-city in flame as he stared on in horror.
another scream cut him short, the fair blue furred demon wolf pacing onward through the fresh ruin a growl emmiting behind him. He peered around to discover a wolf, leering at him before the creature bounnd at the dakkan in an aggressive leap. Roaring, Hyraku was forced onto his back, half screaming in defiance, half in fear, leering up at the wolf upon him wide eyed as it seemed to move in slow motion, its paws pressing into his wide chest as its body was rendered dark from the sihloutte created by the burning city.
A howl emmited from the wolfs lungs as he peered at the wolf upon him, Screaming in fear as the creatures maw began a descent for hyraku's throat as he lay pinned to the floor. The blue wolf would gasp in horror, steeling his gaze and attempting to knock the wolfs maw out of the way with his own, And then after successfully baring the wolfs neck, Hyraku Bit...
The wolf gave a derranged snort as his canines felt wolven flesh against his fangs the movemore fearful instinct and retliation if anything, he shuddered as the wolf began to push against him, tearing its own throat open and landing on Hyraku, Guzzleing blood.
Hyraku's pupils Dialated for the first time in his life, the taste of the crimson satisfying, beutiful, Scrumptious. without second though he bit up at the wolfs throat, still upon him, Lapping at the crimson as instinct began to take over....
A howl rang out in the ruined city, still burning as Hyraku lapped at the wolfs throat with a viscious snarl, drinking to his hearts content...
Gender: Male
Race: Deamon Wolf / Dakkan
Sub-Race: Dakkan
Breed: The Above
Pack: N/A As of yet - Searching
Rank: N/A
Appearance: Hyraku has a thick Black/midnight blue Coat, it is generaly scraggy and ill maintained, his biggest feature being his arctic blue eyes, And his most noticable being his thick gutteral accent. His body is long since forgottenas he is a dakkan, his outer shell is his appearence. His armour is a cold navy blue, adorning a veil of pewter chain mail, ending in a hood which he uses to mask his metal face.
In lemans terms, as his body is dead and rotting under his armour, it is rarely seen under his fully enclosed suit of metal. His armour is a midnight shade of navy, a blue so dark it borderlines black, His armoured plates shine as though polished from under his coat of chainmail, His chainmail veil covers him from head to toe, in the way a warhorse would be adorned in battle armour. The chains continue to obscure his metal body, and thick midnght armour, working their way up to his neck, and into a hood, hiding the majority of his canine face. His only facial features usualy shown would be his metal nose protruding from the shadow of his hood, and the occassional gleam of his gemlike azure iris's.
Personality: He tends to be bold and brave, Not particularly intellegent, with a tendancy to be blunt. He has alot of common sence and wisdom, yet Naiive of others. "Ignorence is bliss." His family are held in high regard to him, and fill him with pride at the thought, even with his exile. He holds honour and justice in high regard, and shows respect to others who display it to him.
Hyraku as a Dakkan has learned several spells in his pursuit of knowledge and faith, and much has been established in his new body & mind...
(1) Chains Of Faith:
As Hyraku is a Dakkan, he can manipulate his body to an extent, one of which is controll over the sheets of chain mail that adorn his body, usualy obscuring it from life to see. However upon anger or need, The chainmail will begin to unfurl, like pulling at a thread in a badly knitted sweater, leaving his true appearence to become noticed, and this is a reason he will rarely use this ability. However the chains are part of him, and thus can be controlled in such a way as an extra limb or two or snakelike tendrils.
(2) Gaze Of Understanding:
To look upon the world as Hyraku would see it would be to delve into a different realm, He does not see creatures, But souls in shells. The world around his eyes is usually bland and grey, Minimal in colour, but a nearby creature would appear as a bright flaring energy, Varying in colour depending on their personality.
(3) Paws Of Riteousness:
A healing spell useable on others, however, the injury is merely passed on, from the suffering wolf, To Hyraku himself.
(4) Barrier Of The Beleiver:
Hyraku's faith is so strong, that he can use it in his Dakkan determination to stay alive, or erect a barrier from his own chain armour, Knitting it up into a wall or sheild for a period of time to absorb damage. As this is a Barrier, it also prevents attacks to and from the person being barracaded.
(5) Light Of Sanctity:
Hyraku's Faith continues to Astound even himself, and one of the magic's he has learnt is to manipulate his faith, will and holy energy into a light, Bright and blinding, or low and useable for practicality. Light will emit from every shiny metal surface the Dakkan possesses and flare outwards in a heavy glare, Upon activation.
(6)Blood Drunk
The blood, Essence of who we are, is sacred to Astheric religion, Blood itself being tied to the very soul. In certain circumstances once Hyraku tastes blood, he will learn the experiences of the dead through their crimson essence, and gain knowledge the creature once had in life. However he will want more, and more, until he can finally control himself. When the Taste of blood reaches past his fangs, and hits his undead tastebuds, his eyes begin to dialate, His dead breath's become ragged. His speech, slurred and he salivates excessively. As the taste and knowledge it contains leaves him craving. This is Hyraku's true Addiction, and one he should visit rehab for...
Skills: He tended to lack healing abilities since his Ex-Pack shunned them, beleiving that if a "Dach-Murr" should die, then so be it, however since then he has learned, even if only to help others. However he is adept at fire breathing, and his general strength and toughness are one of his greatest assets.
He Knows alot about medicine and herbs, and will occasionly transfer healing to another wolf, at the expence of his own health, even if he is now dead.
Famous Quotes: "Bah, Tis a good day little one." "Dach-Murr"
A little tune he hums to himself to pass the time. "I care for nobody, no, not I and nobody cares for me."
Hyraku is generally a quiet and mysterious character, However being bold and fearless. "The dead do not fear death, Only the result it may bring." He has seen many customs on his travels, but holds one Very Highly This custom being that of riteouness, to combat pride, he does not name himself. He will infact state upon being asked that he is a Dakkan, nothing more, nothing less. He mask's his appearence in chainmail also, to combat pride. With no looks, comes no recognition, or admiration, thus pride is killed. Hyraku is a very devout character, and thus he is trying to be pure of sin. A second custom he uses, comes from his homeland itself, a Rather unusual custom in itself. Hyraku will not speak to anyone he does not know the name of. This is an old Astheric custom, dating back to the old kingdom itself. The Astheric wolves, would show little trust in anyone they didn't know, and thus would only present themselves to be known, if they already knew their questioner. This was beleived to be a keepsafe way of staying mysterious, and a major reason as to why Astheric wolves did not reveal any information when captured and tortured as P.O.W's
Biography: Hyraku Shishou Metsutei, was an honourable low rank in his family pack. A high held pack in Asthera, Named Katha'k. However this forreign family of wolves and their titles mean nothing here in Shinkou, As Hyraku ventures further into the S.O realm seeking justice in the world.
As a pup he grew up with friends, constantly fighting for dominance among the pups and kin, Giving him his burly physique. However, he was caught bragging about his family to the wrong person, who bested him, and bestowed dishonour in defeat to his family pack. As a result, he was outcasted, and Migrates across Shinkou, to find friends and a mate, and be accepted into another pack. Allthough bold, His Exile is something he is shy about, and keeps secret to himself, and not many others.
After several years in exile, he was called back to Asthera to defend its borders, Becoming very quickly One of it generals, a blessing and a curse as generals were placed inside dakkanic armour to preserve them throughout time as knowledge is a precious resource.
He hopes to find a new pack, as of yet, he has found none, It would seem his best friend is a mindful of fond memories his religious books, and his utter devotion to Karma and the god of the mind, and the feel of cold snow beneath his metal paws...
Yet he travels, seeking out a mate, and company for his now lonely heart, Knowing full well, no-one understands his Gutteral tongue, and gradually learning more about the local languages and customs here in s.o.
The Story (Optional)
"Hyraku... Pay attention when I teach you the ways of the light, im sick ofyour brawling with the other pups constantly."
Zerxe's scorned the small blue furred wolf before him, as Hyraku rolled his eyes and snorted in responce;
"But Father, our pack shuns healing, why shoul-"
"HYRAKU! Pay attention! This is important, it could save your life, now remember that all things are interlinked in life and that..."
Zerxes dwindled on, boring the living bejesus out of the pup before him, as all the blue furred little mongrel could do was try to stay awake after a days hunting.
-Years Later-
"Hyraku, are you ready to Take your trial?"
"yeah, i geuss..."
"Theres no geussing about it, if you fail this, you'll shame us all!"
That night, the blue wolf sat sobbing under a darkened tree, bawling his heart out in shame at his failure, with a snort he looked to the skies, his maw matted from the tears he shed.
"I failed... Ive shamed myself, my family... my pack, what... Hell with it."
The demon wolf paced away from his packland without thought nor backward glance at his homeland, sniffing patheticly to himself as he gazed on with tearful eyes at the new path ahead of him.
Darkness, the sound of yelps, screams, howls, laughter. This was not the welcoming the demon wolf had anticipated, wished for, Kathak was in ruin, his home-city in flame as he stared on in horror.
another scream cut him short, the fair blue furred demon wolf pacing onward through the fresh ruin a growl emmiting behind him. He peered around to discover a wolf, leering at him before the creature bounnd at the dakkan in an aggressive leap. Roaring, Hyraku was forced onto his back, half screaming in defiance, half in fear, leering up at the wolf upon him wide eyed as it seemed to move in slow motion, its paws pressing into his wide chest as its body was rendered dark from the sihloutte created by the burning city.
A howl emmited from the wolfs lungs as he peered at the wolf upon him, Screaming in fear as the creatures maw began a descent for hyraku's throat as he lay pinned to the floor. The blue wolf would gasp in horror, steeling his gaze and attempting to knock the wolfs maw out of the way with his own, And then after successfully baring the wolfs neck, Hyraku Bit...
The wolf gave a derranged snort as his canines felt wolven flesh against his fangs the movemore fearful instinct and retliation if anything, he shuddered as the wolf began to push against him, tearing its own throat open and landing on Hyraku, Guzzleing blood.
Hyraku's pupils Dialated for the first time in his life, the taste of the crimson satisfying, beutiful, Scrumptious. without second though he bit up at the wolfs throat, still upon him, Lapping at the crimson as instinct began to take over....
A howl rang out in the ruined city, still burning as Hyraku lapped at the wolfs throat with a viscious snarl, drinking to his hearts content...