Post by Helcerinex on Sept 21, 2011 15:20:14 GMT -6
NAme: Tiberius
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf
Breed: Black Timber Wolf
Pack: N/A
Rank: N/A
Appearence: All Black male, with a lightened brown tint on his paws, and tips of his tail, as well as some brown/gray/black coaitng on his ears. Hes a big male, though he appears weak, he is generally a force to reckon with. His eyes are a complete blood red outer eye(Sclera), and a dark yellow Iris. He has three good scars, the Center one running through his left eye, a second along his cheek, and the third grazing his right eyebrow. His fur is ragged, long, a little mangy from constant travel. (i have a picture for him, but ill put it up later >.>)
Tiberius also bares a set of ragged black feathered wings, to show how far he's fallen through his own demise... they mark the deepest he's ever gone, and though they arent neccasarily a burden, they mark what he once was, and possibly still is.
PErsonality: Tiberius has always been one of few words, but when he does speak, it is either to intimidate you with low, dementing fright, or to mark your death, he is one of evil, but not to a certain caliber as too when he was younger. he is convertable to the side of good, but not much will influence him. He is a master of deception, and trickery, always using his tongue to lower the hearts of his opponents when at a standstill, he doesnt rush head on into a conflict like many would, he would rather stay off to the side, planning his every move, and then execute. He doesnt tend to rely on subordinates to get a job done, he'd rather do it hismelf, regardless of how long it takes him. He is at times stubborn, but usually he is open to thought and suggestion. He has a very sarcastic tone, always putting down the weak, or using it to break a dreadful silence, or usually jsut to get soemone to shut up. He is a slow negotiator, always taking his time til HIS wants are satiisfied, and then he would decide to listen. Tiber is generally a bad influence on the land, always having soemthing cruel in store, but soemtimes, he is just a loner, wandering here and there in search of soemthing to do, or places to see.
Magic: Earth(Rock) and Darkness.
Earth Spells:
1: ZvyrasKul- The ability to conjure a slight hovering of small rocks, careening them at great speed to either block an attack, or injure the opponent if he DOES manage to get through it.
it is also a combination of the original spell Kulka: Translating to Bullet, or in Earth terms, a series of small rocks, launched ina fast, horde, like a machine gun, or minigun, though usually smaller size and unsure shape of the rocks(Pebbles to Cobbles in size)
2: Molis: Causes the ground to become Slip(Wet clay) making mobilization a difficulty.
3: Uzsokti: When he paw touches the ground, it shall summon the earth to launch a cluster of jagged rock from the ground up, not very large, large enough to impale an unlucky opponent. With a secondary(Same spell, different usage and outcome)A small thirty maximum reach, crack in the earth, usually uplifting rock and dust at the very end of the attack, will close up sooner or later
4: GĂ«linti: IF positioned on the high ground, with considerable height, this attack will cause the earth to become very loose, and resulting in an avalanche like attack... works best when the difference is a cliff face.(xD)
Darkness Spells:
1: Dergti: a Darkness ability that causes the gorund too become coated ina mist like substance, not effecting an OPPONENTS movement, but increasing the speed of the user.(Tends to kill plantlife)
2: Nuodai: A darkness bite, that acts like venom, slowing the relfexes, and limiting the strength and speed of an opponent, as well as afflicting visual strength, as well as sense of balance.
3: Srautas: Or Flow, is an ability to conjure a small, orb of darkness in ones maw, and fire it, like a blast of heat, on contact, it strikes nervous system, inflicting great harm, but defiles nueral systems, and inflicitng pain that is very real, it will also destroy whatever it touches if it misses it's target. IT can also jsut be a single shot attack, like spewing it, as if it were a fireball. which upon impact will explode into a larger, destructive orb of energy.
4: Pulsas: raising ones self onto your hind legs and uttering this, before making contact with the gorund once more will cause a wave of blackish purple energy, rattling the ground, to seem like a tremor, uplifting the earth through manipulating it's shape. It can also repel an opponent who has gotten too close, THIS attack does not generally hurt, though the cloer you are, the farther you are thrown, its relies on the surroundings to inflict pain.
Abilities: Deciet, Combat, travel, survival, trickery, very good knowledge, though he doesnt use that much...
Biography: Born in the northlands on a different continent(Hence his traveling ability) Tiberius had grown to be one of hate, and distrust, due to his violent past. When he was young, he was taken in by an old Male by the name of Silver-Norse, who had found Tiber nearly frozen to death in the northern tundra. After reviving him, Tiber grew into a strong scout, then warrior, and soon, a strong influence on the tribe/pack he was part of. Though where he coems from was a war torn place, many groups, packs, and tribes of wolves fought for dominance, and out of rivalry, it was dense population, always bloodshed somewhere.
Tiber assisted in ENDING these wars, his leader, an old male named Mackinaw, had sleected him as his next suiter, when he passed, Tiebr took rein, and through a DIFFERENT strategy, bloodily, or negotiatingly ended most of the turmoil, it wasnt easy... it took a total of six long years... When he came of rightful age, by now he had been scarred by so much, he was becoming mad with power, as well as hatred for himself for doing so... his pack agreeably exiled hi by HIS asking, and even with this, it could not prevent him from his downfall to darkness...
He became skilled in Earthern Magic, not much, only a limited numebr of spells, but it never suited him... he choose the second element... darkness, being that which truly fit him.
To this day Tiber is now a Loner, always seeking a place to make his mark, wheter it be good.... or bad....
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf
Breed: Black Timber Wolf
Pack: N/A
Rank: N/A
Appearence: All Black male, with a lightened brown tint on his paws, and tips of his tail, as well as some brown/gray/black coaitng on his ears. Hes a big male, though he appears weak, he is generally a force to reckon with. His eyes are a complete blood red outer eye(Sclera), and a dark yellow Iris. He has three good scars, the Center one running through his left eye, a second along his cheek, and the third grazing his right eyebrow. His fur is ragged, long, a little mangy from constant travel. (i have a picture for him, but ill put it up later >.>)
Tiberius also bares a set of ragged black feathered wings, to show how far he's fallen through his own demise... they mark the deepest he's ever gone, and though they arent neccasarily a burden, they mark what he once was, and possibly still is.
PErsonality: Tiberius has always been one of few words, but when he does speak, it is either to intimidate you with low, dementing fright, or to mark your death, he is one of evil, but not to a certain caliber as too when he was younger. he is convertable to the side of good, but not much will influence him. He is a master of deception, and trickery, always using his tongue to lower the hearts of his opponents when at a standstill, he doesnt rush head on into a conflict like many would, he would rather stay off to the side, planning his every move, and then execute. He doesnt tend to rely on subordinates to get a job done, he'd rather do it hismelf, regardless of how long it takes him. He is at times stubborn, but usually he is open to thought and suggestion. He has a very sarcastic tone, always putting down the weak, or using it to break a dreadful silence, or usually jsut to get soemone to shut up. He is a slow negotiator, always taking his time til HIS wants are satiisfied, and then he would decide to listen. Tiber is generally a bad influence on the land, always having soemthing cruel in store, but soemtimes, he is just a loner, wandering here and there in search of soemthing to do, or places to see.
Magic: Earth(Rock) and Darkness.
Earth Spells:
1: ZvyrasKul- The ability to conjure a slight hovering of small rocks, careening them at great speed to either block an attack, or injure the opponent if he DOES manage to get through it.
it is also a combination of the original spell Kulka: Translating to Bullet, or in Earth terms, a series of small rocks, launched ina fast, horde, like a machine gun, or minigun, though usually smaller size and unsure shape of the rocks(Pebbles to Cobbles in size)
2: Molis: Causes the ground to become Slip(Wet clay) making mobilization a difficulty.
3: Uzsokti: When he paw touches the ground, it shall summon the earth to launch a cluster of jagged rock from the ground up, not very large, large enough to impale an unlucky opponent. With a secondary(Same spell, different usage and outcome)A small thirty maximum reach, crack in the earth, usually uplifting rock and dust at the very end of the attack, will close up sooner or later
4: GĂ«linti: IF positioned on the high ground, with considerable height, this attack will cause the earth to become very loose, and resulting in an avalanche like attack... works best when the difference is a cliff face.(xD)
Darkness Spells:
1: Dergti: a Darkness ability that causes the gorund too become coated ina mist like substance, not effecting an OPPONENTS movement, but increasing the speed of the user.(Tends to kill plantlife)
2: Nuodai: A darkness bite, that acts like venom, slowing the relfexes, and limiting the strength and speed of an opponent, as well as afflicting visual strength, as well as sense of balance.
3: Srautas: Or Flow, is an ability to conjure a small, orb of darkness in ones maw, and fire it, like a blast of heat, on contact, it strikes nervous system, inflicting great harm, but defiles nueral systems, and inflicitng pain that is very real, it will also destroy whatever it touches if it misses it's target. IT can also jsut be a single shot attack, like spewing it, as if it were a fireball. which upon impact will explode into a larger, destructive orb of energy.
4: Pulsas: raising ones self onto your hind legs and uttering this, before making contact with the gorund once more will cause a wave of blackish purple energy, rattling the ground, to seem like a tremor, uplifting the earth through manipulating it's shape. It can also repel an opponent who has gotten too close, THIS attack does not generally hurt, though the cloer you are, the farther you are thrown, its relies on the surroundings to inflict pain.
Abilities: Deciet, Combat, travel, survival, trickery, very good knowledge, though he doesnt use that much...
Biography: Born in the northlands on a different continent(Hence his traveling ability) Tiberius had grown to be one of hate, and distrust, due to his violent past. When he was young, he was taken in by an old Male by the name of Silver-Norse, who had found Tiber nearly frozen to death in the northern tundra. After reviving him, Tiber grew into a strong scout, then warrior, and soon, a strong influence on the tribe/pack he was part of. Though where he coems from was a war torn place, many groups, packs, and tribes of wolves fought for dominance, and out of rivalry, it was dense population, always bloodshed somewhere.
Tiber assisted in ENDING these wars, his leader, an old male named Mackinaw, had sleected him as his next suiter, when he passed, Tiebr took rein, and through a DIFFERENT strategy, bloodily, or negotiatingly ended most of the turmoil, it wasnt easy... it took a total of six long years... When he came of rightful age, by now he had been scarred by so much, he was becoming mad with power, as well as hatred for himself for doing so... his pack agreeably exiled hi by HIS asking, and even with this, it could not prevent him from his downfall to darkness...
He became skilled in Earthern Magic, not much, only a limited numebr of spells, but it never suited him... he choose the second element... darkness, being that which truly fit him.
To this day Tiber is now a Loner, always seeking a place to make his mark, wheter it be good.... or bad....