Post by Relairah on Feb 6, 2006 14:18:23 GMT -6
Lesee, that's my top bunk where I love sleeping. Though, I think I am going to change the bed cover because I really don't care much for pink o.0
And then that's my bottom bunk. Maybe I'll just switch the bottom bunk bed spread with the top Lol xP
There's mah nightstand! It's stuffed with books below the desk part. And then that's my Tamora Pierce books with the Phantom of the Opera book on top <3 And my fox beenie baby =3 And my school picture o0
Then that's my markerboard. No, I didn't draw the people on it, my little sister KK did xD
And then there's my desk covered in junk LOL I don't even want to name all the tons of stuff on there xP
WEWT! My boring wall that's purely white is now not so boring cause I put posters on it xP I've got more posters to hang up and then once this year is done I can hang wolf posters up ^^ Because, those posters you see are actually the pictures to my previous calendar LOL
And that's my other desk with even more tons of junk xP And my petnet that's overstuffed and my horse poster I made myself five years ago. ^^ Though, I never finished it o.0 Dunno why XD
There's my computer (right) and my 12 year old sister, KK's computer. And then that other monitor you see is the scanner monitor. It works worth crap, and needs a new video card, which we put in and the computer didn't like it o.0
And there you see KK's computer again, the stupid scanner monitor. Then you see 10 yr. old Elsie's computer, the scanner with Dad's laptop case on it, and then 9 yr. old Quinton's computer. ^^
On the far right you see Quinton's computer again, closest to you is Dad's main computer, and the printer is next to that. And then in the far back is Dad's laptop. And right in front of Dad's desk a couple feet we have a mini-trampolene. I like our big one in the backyard better though LOL
And then that's our piano and game corner. I need to get some practice in today Lol xP
Behind KK is like 7 large sized horse toys, lined up in between two chairs that are pink that you don't really see. And then the the dog behind the back door is Precious. She's such a spoiled rotten lazy bum LOL And then there's the other asorted things you see.
Squee! That's the dollhouse we're working on. Dad's building it and then we're painting it... KK and Elsie already did the first layer of white LOL
That's half of our kitchen. I wonder why I didn't take a picture of the other half o.0
More piccahs coming later! =D