Post by Mama Z on Feb 13, 2008 22:03:51 GMT -6
Sweetheart..we're all a grade one then..why are we even debating or contemplating something that cannot be achieved by a human mind? Its pointless
Post by Itena on Feb 13, 2008 22:12:37 GMT -6
Since I had already said what would answer that, I'll just go and state the next subject.
How about "Afterlife"?
EDIT: Woah, z, you posted while I was replying, lol. But I have already said what I needed to say, so onward to the next subject!
As for why we're discussing it, it's because it's interesting. :3
Post by blitzkreig on Feb 13, 2008 22:15:32 GMT -6
Eh you know what, Itena, this whole thing has lost a lot of flare for me. I'd rather not debate, because this whole thing just feels like a big one step forwards, two steps back. What are we accomplishing here?
Really I think its best just to leave people to their own devices and not cause a huge stir up.
PS:: Please show me where you answered that.
Post by Itena on Feb 13, 2008 22:18:02 GMT -6
This doesn't have to be a debate. If you look at the title, it says "Discussion". This thread was actually created in a way so that people are already warned that they to not have to participate. If you don't want to take a part in this anymore, you are free to do so. *hug*
EDIT: Right about here. ;P
As God cannot lower himself to the human, he sends down the Manifestations of God. You can describe them as the "Pens of God". These "Pens" give God's message to humanity, and from that a religion organisation is born from the followers, or the believers of this message(I might of just explained it as if the religious groups are an accident, but do not misunderstand, these religious organizations are intentional).
Post by blitzkreig on Feb 13, 2008 22:21:53 GMT -6
I'm just saying, bringing up these thing, even if its ment only to be harmless, isnt always the best thing. Yes it can be interesting, but people's ideas differ.
I think its great that people have their faiths and that they feel happy and whole in their lives. Its great, it really is, but as I said. Sometimes its just better to let it be. These topics have a nasty habit of jumping up and biting one in the butt.
Post by Mama Z on Feb 13, 2008 22:24:28 GMT -6
As a Catholic, I believe in Purgatory. The reason being is because no impure soul can go to Heaven. If you got to Purgatory you will eventually be admitted into Heaven. If you're a terrible sinner who absolutely done everyhting wrong..you go to hell. What else is there to say? I dont believe in have to reprent every second of every day, but I do beileve you have to consciously know what you did was wrong. In the afterlife..well.
things are just the shitz man. Free food, women, and liquor XD
Post by Itena on Feb 13, 2008 22:33:45 GMT -6
I believe the soul does not die; it endures everlastingly. When the human body dies, the soul is freed from ties with the physical body and the surrounding physical world and begins its progress through the spiritual world. Bahá'ís understand the spiritual world to be a timeless and placeless extension of our own universe--and not some physically remote or removed place.
Entry into the next life has the potential to bring great joy. Bahá'u'lláh likened death to the process of birth. He explains: "The world beyond is as different from this world as this world is different from that of the child while still in the womb of its mother."
The analogy to the womb in many ways summarizes the Bahá'í view(and therefore my view) of earthly existence. Just as the womb constitutes an important place for a person's initial physical development, the physical world provides the matrix for the development of the individual soul. Accordingly, Bahá'ís view life as a sort of workshop, where one can develop and perfect those qualities which will be needed in the next life.
"Know thou, of a truth, that if the soul of man hath walked in the ways of God, it will, assuredly return and be gathered to the glory of the Beloved," Bahá'u'lláh wrote. "By the righteousness of God! It shall attain a station such as no pen can depict, or tongue can describe."
Basically, I believe heaven can be seen partly as a state of nearness to God; hell is a state of remoteness from God. Each state follows as a natural consequence of individual efforts, or the lack thereof, to develop spiritually. The key to spiritual progress is to follow the path outlined by the Manifestations of God.
Beyond this, the exact nature of the afterlife remains a mystery. "The nature of the soul after death can never be described," Bahá'u'lláh writes.
Post by Mama Z on Feb 13, 2008 22:38:24 GMT -6
Itena....seriously...are we talking your beliefs or are you trying to explain your religon?
Post by Itena on Feb 13, 2008 22:41:08 GMT -6
There is no difference between my beliefs and my religion's teachings, so I use the Bahá'i Teachings to explain them. I can stop that if you wish.
Post by Mama Z on Feb 13, 2008 22:44:12 GMT -6
Well it doesnt support a discussion. You can do comparisions ot make it easier, but it helps if you just dont say that that is what your religon believes. You can still believe other things and it makes you no less of a person. It makes you human infact. If you are completely engrossed in following to a T everything, you cant live. I understand that you are proud of your religon, but in all honestly, it sounds like you are trying to push people to your religon. Thats all Im saying.
Post by Itena on Feb 13, 2008 22:50:37 GMT -6
Well, if that's how it sounded like, then I apologize. It's just that I sincerely(completely honest) don't find anything I disagree with in my religion; so this is how I tend to explain my beliefs. I will be more diligent from now on though.
As for whether I'm proud of my religion, I'd have to say I'm proud of all religions; not just the Baha'i Faith.
Post by Mama Z on Feb 13, 2008 22:52:59 GMT -6
Anyways..due to personal convictions and the possibility of offending people Im not going to particpiate within this thread any longer. I feel there are too many things that can be argued and never proven. Thank you wisconisn and good night
Post by Itena on Feb 13, 2008 22:56:41 GMT -6
That's absolutely fine, zizzie. I had fun talking with you all the same. ^^ And yes, these kind of conversations are fun to me.
Post by thedarkwolfofdeath on Feb 14, 2008 11:14:14 GMT -6
I enjoy these kinds of conversations, but I am afraid that I will fall hopelessly behind... 'n.n Ah, well, I shall try anyway! So, where to start... I used to be a freakin huge Christian, was in the band at church and everthing. I helped out, served more tables than anyone at our lunches that we held [[There were TONS of orders to remember... And no notepad to write them down on. xD]] Then my faith just kind of... Died, I guess. I've always been very intersted in the supernatural, and I'm considering converting to Wiccanism. I am considering it very seriously. Wiccanism is... Hard to explain though. It branches off in so many different ways. Just... Wow. But as far as afterlife, I don't know what the hell happens when we die unless we weren't happy with our lives then we stick to Earth for a bit until we become happy. Very blunt and sounds kinda selfish when you put it that way, but... Yeah. That's it. ^^
Post by limauniform on Feb 15, 2008 16:24:04 GMT -6
Popping in here.
Let's see....I never really had a specific religion. Right now I'm just atheist through and through, but a couple years ago I think I might have been leaning a bit towards Catholic. Then before that, I took a liking to Greek Mythology and got this whole primitive idea that the universe was indeed controlled by multiple gods. Science class completely destroyed that after a while. So yeah, I'm pretty much lost as to what religion I am. Just watch, a few more years into the future and I'll be converting to Buddhism or something....-_-'