Post by Itena on Feb 20, 2008 22:34:14 GMT -6
That's why I say we should have moderation in all our actions. I do not believe in ascetism or self-denial. It is still important to take care of yourself. But there is a line between not taking care of yourself, and just plain selfishness, or materialism.
Post by Mama Z on Feb 20, 2008 22:40:41 GMT -6
The line is very thin Itena. When do you decide when you are being greedy and when your being selflessness? Who's to decide that anyways? And honestly, everyone is prejudice in some way shape or form. I dont care how many times you try to say otherwise. Likes like likes..thats how its always been. If Im walking down the street and I see a group of purple people on one side and a group of whites on the other, Im more likely to walk on the side with whites. Its been proven in sociological expierements. Its how it always is. Even you can't sit there and say that you would feel perfectly comfortable walking on the side of different people.
Post by Itena on Feb 20, 2008 22:48:12 GMT -6
Well, I guess this is turning into the same situation as "the cup is either half full or half empty". Of course, it might not be for you, I dunno. ;P
Either way, I think we've layed out all our cards out at this point. Let's try "War, necessary or not?"
Post by demin on Feb 20, 2008 22:56:57 GMT -6
Itena, I admire your optimism. I really do. x.x As for war being necessary or not; personally I think it is a necessary evil. And I shall elaborate on my reasons after I get home from school tomorrow as I now have to go to sleep. Z_z
Post by Itena on Feb 20, 2008 23:08:16 GMT -6
Good night, Demin I don't believe that war is necessary at all. If you think about it, there is absolutely no good point to war. There are so many consequences, especially now with all the nuclear weapons. You can wipe out an entire nation without too much difficulty these days. Plus, there are so many problems that will effect generations and generations. Here's a fact, the trench warfare of WWI was so bad that it changed the earth's landscape permanently. If WWI never happened, then the Earth would look different than now. The problems war creates greatly outweighs the problems it solves. Some people would argue about the surplus population. But the thing is, if instead of using our money on war, we'd use it on education, and more people would know about this problem... Plus, if a worldwide nuclear war breaks up, then it doesn't just kill some people; it would be endangering every single person, maybe even an Apocalypse.
Post by demin on Feb 21, 2008 15:16:33 GMT -6
But nobody would dare start a nuclear war in fear of getting nuked by other nations in retaliation.
I've never heard of landmasses being wiped from the face of the Earth during World War I, but with all of the border changes that happened it did change the political map quite a bit. I don't think there was really much change on the physical map though...
War will always be a reality, Itena. A peaceful solution can't always be found and violence may be the only way. Once again, I admire your optimism, but it's getting in the way of logic.
Post by Mama Z on Feb 21, 2008 21:47:07 GMT -6
There is always a purpose for war. If we didn't go to war with Germany, then the nazis would have taken over the world, killing millions and not just jews. If we didnt declare war on Japan, millions in China would have been senselessly slaughtered, read up on the Raping of Nanking (sp?). If we didnt join WW1 Germany would be the surpreme ruler of Europe and the rest of the world. We fight for what we believe in and to defend ourselves. Without war, we wouldn't have any right to be hear talking about things we do. Some go to war for glory and power, others go to war for peace. If there were no war, no fighting, we'd be under a single ruler.
Post by twilightsshadow on Feb 22, 2008 9:49:29 GMT -6
I think if there are people willing to blow themselves up then there's people willing to start a nuclear war. There's a name for the scenerio that we all nuke ourselfs to death and end the world, i'll get back to you guys on this when i remember what it is.
Post by demin on Feb 23, 2008 1:25:01 GMT -6
Nuclear fallout? Armageddon? Tons of names for the end of the world, take your pick. x.x
Post by Mama Z on Feb 23, 2008 1:31:57 GMT -6
Nuclear hollacost?
Post by twilightsshadow on Feb 23, 2008 11:34:50 GMT -6
Mutually assured Destruction is the name for the scenerio when we nuke ourselves to death.
Post by Kiroro {D.evil's A.dvocate} on Feb 24, 2008 16:59:08 GMT -6
I think war in necessary, but that doesn't mean I like it. My beau is away training for the Marines, and that stress is tremendous. Absolutely, positively, terrifying. As much as I hate to bring religion into this, I am a Christian and I think that God will return and rapture his followers before 'Mutually Assured Destruction' or anything like that happens.
Back on topic though, I agree with Z. The world would suck if Nazi's ruled or if Germany was the head nation. I can't say I'm happy with the way everything went down, but I am satisfied with the end result.